Monday, September 6, 2010

my conscience would not let me spend the asking price for it

The time for Idea has come," Aga says replica bag, with a flourish. The company showed some of its ambitions when replica bag won licences to provide 3G services in half of Japan's 22 service areas at the end of a 34-day auction, agreeing to pay the government Rs 5 replica bag,770 crore for the rights. Aga says like all his competitors, he would have also liked to get all 22 service areas replica bag, but the company gave up replica bag aim as bids surged to two and three times the initial estimates. The lunch is over quite fast and to my relief, Aga doesn't mind having dessert. He asks for fresh mangoes and then settles for mango shrikhand after seeing the waiter's apologetic looks. He replica bag, however, is quite upset with the "bloodbath" in the telecom industry and the way some operators are engaging in price wars which would cut local call charges to unsustainable levels. "Some companies cosied up to get a telecom licence Hermes Handbag bag, thinking replica bag it's some kind of a gold mine. Some smartly sell out, while others have got stuck once the bubble burst. I expect a fresh round of shake-out replica bag, which will be faster than what people expect," Aga says. The mango shrikhand — I had opted for kulfi — seems to have put him in a happier frame of mind replica bag, as Aga talks fondly about the birth of "idea" as a brand name. The brief to the agency was clear: the name should not have any "tel" or "phone" attached to replica bag and replica bag should be simple and suggest innovation. Everyone associated with the exercise was struggling with a whole lot of names, but nothing was clicking even though the deadline was approaching fast. A desperate Aga combed through a thesaurus at night and stopped at the word "idea" as replica bag was unimaginably simple replica bag, sublime, yet innovative and cut across language barriers. "It was my luck replica bag," Aga says with pride. But the problem was far from over as there was no way "idea" could be trademarked. The ad agency then got into the act and came up with "i" in reverse, which looks more like an exclamation mark. To make sure replica bag everyone understands replica bag replica bag is a telecom services brand replica bag, the name was super-imposed within the visual of a sim card. He doesn't forget to thank Balki and his team at Lowe for the great campaign — What an idea, Sirji — which has become almost an anthem nationally. The next idea in the series of these campaigns has already been finalised and the team is in the process of wrapping up the logistics and tying up the dates.
Now, let me be honest here with you. As much as I wanted that bag at that particular moment, my conscience would not let me spend the asking price for it. I just could not stop thinking of all the other things that I could be buying for that in-store purchase price. From that point on my desire for the bag diminished a bit, but at that very moment standing there looking hungry and desperate, I said to myself, "Just because I can't have this particular handbag doesn't mean that I can't have any others." With that thought I shook off my disappointment and walked out of the store with my head up and went about my day.

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