Grasp the creation style always fearless and new handbag and accessories, mix series, mixed pattern color, not with materials and design details such as a quilt. Imitates the balloon design bags, only limited ($9,880 / quality sells Braccialini) from the meaning ofHermes Birkin handbags, rev. Always Braccialini brand creation style, the new handbag and accessories series, mix mixed pattern color, not with materials and design details such as a quilt, had made by carrying the colour profusion modest "bag" list. (compose with oblique plane strawberry packaging bags prada, negative, namely male pack and fashion ($148 / Braccialini) handbags are ladies jie body, is the symbol of status, simultaneously also is the best garment foil in the handbag. So the brand, its designer deserve materials, regardless of is removed, color and style of the design, each detail is rejected, flowers all the content of fashionable tide over enthusiasts. Sunflower leather bags, with modest glaring SPAR do 11,180 bud ($Braccialini/don't creative style, stylist in each layer of lady gender, created a series of true love in the bag and took fashion, compose with official clan embroidery, fancy colors, quiltherve leger , and plane design and easy dismantling dumplings with eye bags, shape design, easy collocation curious ($2,380 / Braccialini) means big this handbag brand, 1954, Roberto Braccialini Carla and women from Cardiff founds, young to produce ChenSu colour, compose with leather frills and large floral embroidery of cane knits handbags, says peek
Because the saling, design style and abstract bright, brand raised by the creation of an unicorn's strict, the white led a victory cry and solid mould as cheung pak-chi and slow child q, etc. System beloved small bee bags, is brand new season of the focal plane ($8,980 / Braccialini) this season, and the design of the brand has been exaggerated style, is brave, full of sunshine thinking by spring gorgeous color, designers do dominant inherited display great read like a force, with no meat mixture, then do less common and rich taste of handbags. Argent Metallic add ornamental design, elegant without dismantling machine is interested by $980 to selling ($$198 / Braccialini) with Metallic metalMoncler cadence cooperation by the quantity of bees leather bags, hand made by oneself, the design is delicate and exquisite, The design and modeled balloon bags, special take colourful colour, leather, metal materials, such as virtousity, JiZhu out the supplement, ponder, the design make oneself overjoyed.
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