The nineteen forties in support of the war effort drove the handbags back to the utilitarian models of the past. They were often made of cloth or leather with simple closures. Styling was not that important, and it can be looked at as a response to the countries attitude toward life in general, no one was having a good time because of the concern over the war.
Today's style is bold; it is not unusual to find handbags in an array of colors. A red handbag makes the top of the list for fashion choice. A red handbag relays the user's boldness, it is not a timid color by any means and it shouts to the world that the woman is confident and willing to take risks.
Please take a moment to consider some of the places you've set your handbag down.... Did you see the ABC news piece a few years ago about how disgusting the bottom of your purse is? I try to avoid thinking about stuff like that because I'm a germophobe, but I admit I've allowed that news story to "get to me," along with the hotel room comfortors. UGH.Hermes Birkin (That one's worse than the purse thing, but I digress).
Bottom line? The bottom of your purse is a breeding ground for any and all manner of microbes including -- you guessed it -- fecal bacteria! With such a cornucopia of microscopic nasties hanging out on the floors, anything you can do to keep your handbag (and your tongue) off the floor will help.
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